Application solution to measure/analyze rotor-dynamic vibrations.
Pre- and Posttrigger for the Analysis of Sporadic Events

Triggered storage in permanent operation
In continuous operation or in long-term tests of machines or components, very large amounts of data are usually generated. For only data with a high resolution offer the necessary information content for a sufficient analysis. In this context, the interest lies in the detection and understanding of sporadically occurring effects.
Classical examples for these analyses are vibration measurements during load relief or emergency shutdowns of machines or also the exact removal of measuring points in test benches for the closer characterization of special operating points. Transient processes such as acceleration, deceleration, over speed and large speed fluctuations of rotors also fall into the range where so-called triggered storage provides a sensible storage variant. Triggered storage is the controlled storage of data based on a logical condition, e.g. to store data only if an amplitude threshold value is exceeded, if there is a major speed change or if manual triggering occurs. The pre- and post-trigger time is the time before and after the event that is also to be recorded.
The Optimal Condition
Challenges with triggered storage
The actual challenge of triggered storage is the exact definition of a trigger condition, e.g. the threshold value at which the data is recorded. If this threshold value is unknown, this leads to a complex problem. If, for example, the threshold value is too high for a critical amplitude, no data will be recorded. If, on the other hand, it is selected too low, data is permanently recorded and the actual events are lost or drowned in the data volume. In both cases this complicates the analysis, especially for long-term measurements.

Measurement and Analysis Technology for Continuous Storage
Our solution for pre and post triggers
All IFTA systems provide the so-called continuous storage. This includes seamless long-term storage including high-resolution raw data. Measurements over longer periods of time (weeks & months) are thus possible without any problems and even sporadic events can be easily measured. Compact overview files allow fast searching for events and thus efficient working.
Furthermore, the IFTA systems offer the possibility of triggered storage with adjustable pre- and post-trigger times, complex logical trigger conditions and much more.
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