More than 25 years ago I founded IFTA GmbH by using the results of my doctoral thesis on the active suppression of vibrations in Siemens Energy gas turbines. Today, more than ever, in the course of automation, it is important for companies to detect hazardous vibrations at an early stage to protect their machinery.
Dr. Jakob Hermann, Managing Director IFTA GmbH
Efficiency and safety
for our customers
Since the foundation in 1996, we have been an agile and innovative partner of worldwide companies from industry, medium-sized businesses and research institutions. Our main focus is on the measurement and diagnosis of complex, dangerous vibrations in combustion systems and rotating machinery from engines to gas and steam turbines. It is our goal to enable our customers to operate their machines safely and reliably with our diagnostic and protection devices, thus significantly increasing the plant availability and profitability.
IFTA Technical Equipment for In-House Testing
Our developments are extensively tested for their function and practical suitability. Therefore we are equipped with extensive test equipment to test and validate the different systems and applications realistically. Special attention is also paid to user-friendliness in order to enable intuitive working with our products in later use.
HighTech based on Practical Experience
Our capital is a deep technical understanding of the use cases. This not only guarantees professional support by means of our measurement technology, but also enables individual technical advice through to customer-specific engineering services in order to find the ideal solution to the problem.
We develop hardware and software that is geared to the practical needs and to the challenges of our customers. Identifying problems before they occur is a major advantage of our systems as part of our development planning approach. We enable our customers to increase the efficiency of their systems, to plan maintenance better and to avoid machine damage.
IFTA Facts
- IFTA solutions in use worldwide for more than 25 years
- High market share for gas turbines (e.g. IFTA ArgusOMDS systems included in the Siemens Energy standard of gas turbine types 4000F, 8000H and 9000HL)
- Development, further development and support 100% by IFTA
- High specialization and application experience (e.g. AIC) in the field of combustion oscillations
- High scientific commitment to national and international projects
Development Close to the Customer
Our developers ensure that our customers master the daily challenges with our IFTA solutions. We attach particular importance to practical relevance and user-friendly applications.
Dr. Robert Widhopf-Fenk, Head of Development IFTA GmbH