Up­com­ing Shows and Events

As an in­ter­na­tion­al­ly ac­tive com­pa­ny, we are rep­re­sent­ed both at in­dus­try events and per­son­nel fairs. We in­vite you to visit us at our booth at one of the fol­low­ing events:

No news avail­able.

News and In­no­va­tions

IFTA is an in­no­va­tive and in­ter­na­tion­al­ly ac­tive com­pa­ny. Here you will find our lat­est in­no­va­tions and news about IFTA.

It was fun to shoot this video to­geth­er! Just have a look and get an im­pres­sion of our IFTA team and com­pa­ny.

Busi­ness re­cep­tion of the city of Puch­heim - "Power P - Let us man­age the en­er­gy trans­for­ma­tion to­geth­er".

The new ver­sion of the anal­y­sis and eval­u­a­tion soft­ware: TrendView­er 5.4 High­lights

New ver­sion of the IFTA DataHub Soft­ware: Sim­pli­fied Setup and Event-trig­gered Record­ing

Bavarias State Min­is­ter for Dig­i­tal Af­fairs, Ju­dith Ger­lach, and Min­is­ter of Eco­nom­ic Af­fairs, Hu­bert Ai­wanger, vis­it­ed IFTA's booth at the AI.BAY

IFTA mon­i­tor­ing sys­tems help to make hy­dro­elec­tric plants more ef­fi­cient

[Translate to English:]

Short­ly we will offer be­sides PROFIBUS also PROFINET with all its ben­e­fits.

[Translate to English:]

How can de­fects in ma­chines and plants be de­tect­ed at an early stage or even pre­vent­ed? Now ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence of­fers new pos­si­bil­i­ties for…

IFTA re­places - price-neu­tral for you - the proven AD4 input mod­ule with the AD4IEPE with high­er sam­pling rate of 204.8 kHz and ad­justable IEPE…

Pre­sen­ta­tions on the topic "Ben­e­fits of Edge and Cloud"

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If you would like to be in­formed au­to­mat­i­cal­ly about our events and news, reg­is­ter now for our news­let­ter.