Join our Team!

a first look be­hind the scenes

We had fun shoot­ing our com­pa­ny video! Gain a first in­sight and get an im­pres­sion of your po­ten­tial new work­place!


I par­tic­u­lar­ly enjoy the com­bi­na­tion of prac­ti­cal rel­e­vance and re­search that makes up my daily work at IFTA!

   Roman, Soft­ware Devel­op­ment & Re­search, Pro­mo­tion in Co­op­er­a­tion with Tech­ni­cal Univer­si­ty Mu­nich


What Does IFTA Feel Like?

How can the at­mos­phere of a com­pa­ny be de­scribed?
A look be­hind the scenes says more than a thou­sand words:




Your strengths count. We see and ap­pre­ci­ate each in­di­vid­u­al's con­tri­bu­tion to a di­verse mix of ex­pe­ri­enced col­leagues, cu­ri­ous young pro­fes­sion­als and young-at-heart "sci­en­tists" and "screw­drivers".

Team Cook­ing

Every lunchtime we cook to­geth­er, mak­ing the kitchen our se­cret heart of the com­pa­ny and a place for col­leagues to be­come friends. Since we dis­trib­ute tasks well, a tasty dish is pre­pared in half an hour's lunch break.


One Team

From work­ing stu­dents to man­ag­ing di­rec­tors, we in­ter­act as a team. A warm, open and un­com­pli­cat­ed ap­proach at eye level is one of the things we value. We work to­geth­er be­cause for us team­work is a mat­ter of course.

Work Life Balance

We work on the flex­itime model. So every over­time hour lands on your work­ing time ac­count al­low­ing you to take time off when you need it. In ad­di­tion, we al­ways find in­di­vid­u­al so­lu­tions so that you can bal­ance pri­vate life and job.

Ex­pand Hori­zons

We value and pro­mote good com­mu­ni­ca­tion across our de­part­ments. So ev­ery­one has the big pic­ture in mind and can con­trib­ute cre­ative­ly. IFTA of­fers room for good ideas, pro­fes­sion­al growth and ex­tend­ing in­di­vid­u­al hori­zons.

Stay Hy­drat­ed

Free min­er­al water, espres­so or cap­puc­ci­no from fresh­ly ground beans in our cof­fee lounge help to keep the in­spi­ra­tion flow­ing.                                                  


After Work

We are a team and not just at work! Every year many pri­vate events are or­ga­nized like ski­ing, hik­ing, cy­cling, climb­ing or just a cozy evening in beer gar­den.

With our re­search and our prod­uct so­lu­­tions around os­­­cil­la­­tion mea­­sure­­ments, we en­­sure a sig­nif­i­­cant re­­duc­­tion of emis­­sions. Learn more about our re­search projects.