Turbine Design Under Test

Flexibility and increased efficiency Through Test Benches
In order to meet the challenges of energy supply in the future, the development of gas and steam turbines pays special attention to the testing of prototypes in test benches. The focus is primarily on increasing the efficiency of turbines and designing them for flexible applications. In order to fulfill these two points, questions such as the correct parameterization of the combustion chamber and the correct mixing ratios of the fuels become the focus.
Enlarge the Range of Application of Turbines
Objectives on test benches
One challenge is to design a burning chamber in order to avoid thermoacoustic resonances and vibrations. These pressure oscillations, often referred to as combustion oscillations, are caused by the resonance frequencies of the combustion chamber and can lead to serious damage to the combustion chamber and all surrounding components.
Another goal is the prevention of dangerous vibrations at rotors, compressors and shafts. This would allow safe operating ranges of the future turbine to be determined and the design of the turbine to be adapted to a wider range of applications.

Intelligent Measurement and Analysis Technology
Our solution for turbine test benches
The installation of a complete measurement and analysis system for the evaluation of the different types of vibration that can occur on turbine test benches. This includes sensor technology to detect any deviations from the standard values, high-quality hardware for processing the data and smart software for analyzing the data. On the basis of the resulting conclusions, the design of the components can be improved and, in addition, the safe operation of the test benches can be guaranteed. The relevant parameters for the analysis include pressure, acceleration, strain and temperature.
The IFTA ArgusOMDS, our all-in-one solution in combination with the analysis software IFTA TrendViewer, provides a solution that can be adapted easily to the specific test bench in order to draw the right conclusions for all components to be tested. Based on flexible hardware and software, the complete measurement and analysis system provides the basis for the commissioning of the test bench, the recording of measurement points as a reference and for logging up to the protection of the turbine.
The flexible input card AD4Pro with galvanic isolation and integrated charge amplifier fits every sensor and thus permits a simple and slim measurement chain to avoid error sources. A continuous long-term storage including the high-resolution raw data of IFTA systems enables test runs over longer periods of time (weeks & months) and gradual changes can be measured.