Tur­bine De­sign Under Test

Flex­i­bil­i­ty and in­creased ef­fi­cien­cy Through Test Bench­es

In order to meet the chal­lenges of en­er­gy sup­ply in the fu­ture, the de­vel­op­ment of gas and steam tur­bines pays spe­cial at­ten­tion to the test­ing of pro­to­types in test bench­es. The focus is pri­mar­i­ly on in­creas­ing the ef­fi­cien­cy of tur­bines and de­sign­ing them for flex­i­ble ap­pli­ca­tions. In order to ful­fill these two points, ques­tions such as the cor­rect pa­ram­e­ter­i­za­tion of the com­bus­tion cham­ber and the cor­rect mix­ing ra­tios of the fuels be­come the focus.

En­large the Range of Ap­pli­ca­tion of Tur­bines

Ob­jec­tives on test bench­es

One chal­lenge is to de­sign a burn­ing cham­ber in order to avoid ther­moa­cous­tic res­o­nances and vi­bra­tions. These pres­sure os­cil­la­tions, often re­ferred to as com­bus­tion os­cil­la­tions, are caused by the res­o­nance fre­quen­cies of the com­bus­tion cham­ber and can lead to se­ri­ous dam­age to the com­bus­tion cham­ber and all sur­round­ing com­po­nents.

Another goal is the pre­ven­tion of dan­ger­ous vi­bra­tions at ro­tors, com­pres­sors and shafts. This would allow safe op­er­at­ing ranges of the fu­ture tur­bine to be de­ter­mined and the de­sign of the tur­bine to be adapt­ed to a wider range of ap­pli­ca­tions.


In­tel­li­gent Mea­sure­ment and Anal­y­sis Tech­nol­o­gy

Our so­lu­tion for tur­bine test bench­es

The in­stal­la­tion of a com­plete mea­sure­ment and anal­y­sis sys­tem for the eval­u­a­tion of the dif­fer­ent types of vi­bra­tion that can occur on tur­bine test bench­es. This in­cludes sen­sor tech­nol­o­gy to de­tect any de­vi­a­tions from the stan­dard val­ues, high-qual­i­ty hard­ware for pro­cess­ing the data and smart soft­ware for an­a­lyz­ing the data. On the basis of the re­sult­ing con­clu­sions, the de­sign of the com­po­nents can be im­proved and, in ad­di­tion, the safe op­er­a­tion of the test bench­es can be guar­an­teed. The rel­e­vant pa­ram­e­ters for the anal­y­sis in­clude pres­sure, ac­cel­er­a­tion, strain and tem­per­a­ture.

The IFTA Ar­gusOMDS, our all-in-one so­lu­tion in com­bi­na­tion with the anal­y­sis soft­ware IFTA TrendView­er, pro­vides a so­lu­tion that can be adapt­ed eas­i­ly to the spe­cif­ic test bench in order to draw the right con­clu­sions for all com­po­nents to be test­ed. Based on flex­i­ble hard­ware and soft­ware, the com­plete mea­sure­ment and anal­y­sis sys­tem pro­vides the basis for the com­mis­sion­ing of the test bench, the record­ing of mea­sure­ment points as a ref­er­ence and for log­ging up to the pro­tec­tion of the tur­bine.

The flex­i­ble input card AD4Pro with gal­van­ic iso­la­tion and in­te­grat­ed charge am­pli­fi­er fits every sen­sor and thus per­mits a sim­ple and slim mea­sure­ment chain to avoid error sources. A con­tin­u­ous long-term stor­age in­clud­ing the high-res­o­lu­tion raw data of IFTA sys­tems en­ables test runs over longer pe­ri­ods of time (weeks & months) and grad­u­al changes can be mea­sured.