Re­mote Ser­vice - World­wide, Flex­i­ble, Cost-ef­fi­cient

Ser­vice Hot­line

With our prod­ucts we con­sis­tent­ly pay at­ten­tion to the up­grade-abil­i­ty by re­mote ac­cess. Hard­ware up­grades are also usu­al­ly car­ried out by the cus­tomer on site. Of course, we will also be happy to visit you on re­quest.

Often a so­lu­tion can be found quick­ly and cost-ef­fec­tive­ly via Re­mote Ser­vice.
Just give us a call and one of our trained and ex­pe­ri­enced ser­vice per­son­nel will sup­port you.

Cer­tain­ly a Good Start


We ac­com­pa­ny and over­see the com­mis­sion­ing of our prod­ucts and en­sure their func­tion­al­i­ty. Reli­a­bil­i­ty in the fu­ture is as­sured through long-term avail­abil­i­ty of re­place­ment parts. We also pro­vide ex­pert an­swers to any user ques­tions.


Al­ways Up to Date

Up­dates & Up­grades

IFTA en­sures with its large de­vel­op­ment team for soft­ware and hard­ware so­lu­tions athat your sys­tem re­mains state of the art. In ad­di­tion, all IFTA sys­tems are based on the prin­ci­ple of a mod­u­lar plat­form, so that retrofitting is pos­si­ble even for older sys­tems.

Up­dates & up­grades can usu­al­ly be car­ried out via the cost-ef­fec­tive Re­mote Ser­vice.


Cost-ef­fi­cient Plan­ning

Main­te­nance Con­tracts & Soft­ware up­dates

Many of our cus­tomers al­ready ben­e­fit from our main­te­nance and soft­ware con­tracts and thus make max­i­mum use of their in­vest­ment by, for ex­am­ple, prof­it­ing from soft­ware up­dates and by cal­cu­lat­ing a pre­dictable size through the agreed all-in­clu­sive price. If you would like con­sult­ing, main­te­nance and soft­ware sup­port from IFTA, re­quest your non-bind­ing offer now.