Early De­tec­tion of Da­m­age in Com­pres­sors

Tech­ni­cal phe­nom­e­na in com­pres­sors

Today, gas tur­bines op­er­ate with a rated elec­tri­cal out­put of up to 450 MW. This poses an enor­mous chal­lenge to the ma­te­ri­al and all com­po­nents of the tur­bine, in­clud­ing the com­pres­sor blades. It is pre­cise­ly here that the in­crease in ef­fi­cien­cy and per­for­mance is at the fore­front of cur­rent de­vel­op­ments. How­ev­er, as the size and com­plex­i­ty of tur­bine com­po­nents in­creas­es, so does the in­flu­ence of haz­ardous vi­bra­tion con­di­tions on the safe­ty of the en­tire sys­tem.

These vi­bra­tion states are caused by cyclic loads, which in the worst case cor­re­spond to the vi­bra­tion modes of the sys­tem under con­sid­er­a­tion. Known as res­o­nance, this tech­ni­cal phe­nom­e­non can lead to very high vi­bra­tions.

Ma­te­ri­al Fa­tigue and Im­bal­ance

Po­ten­tial dam­age in Com­pres­sors

Over a long pe­ri­od of time, the cyclic loads of the com­pres­sor process and the grid-in­duced vi­bra­tions favor ma­te­ri­al fa­tigue at key points of the tur­bine as well as at the com­pres­sor blades.

If, in ad­di­tion, the small­est im­bal­ances exist on the ro­tat­ing com­pres­sor com­po­nents, the dif­fi­cul­ties al­ready men­tioned are in­ten­si­fied and ac­cel­er­at­ed. For­eign bod­ies, such as ice chunks, can cause ad­di­tion­al dam­age and thus un­bal­ance. How­ev­er, since the re­duced gap di­men­sions due to ef­fi­cien­cy do not allow much space in the ro­ta­tion be­hav­ior of the com­pres­sor, se­vere con­se­quences can occur dur­ing tur­bine op­er­a­tion. These con­se­quences range from a re­duc­tion in ef­fi­cien­cy to blade loss and total tur­bine fail­ure.

Proac­tive Mon­i­tor­ing Sys­tem for On-Time Pro­tec­tion

Our so­lu­tion for com­pres­sor vi­bra­tions

A mon­i­tor­ing sys­tem that iden­ti­fies these haz­ardous vi­bra­tions in good time, ini­ti­ates pro­tec­tive mea­sures and can thus pre­vent cost­ly dam­age: The IFTA Ar­gusOMDS, our all-in-one so­lu­tion in com­bi­na­tion with the anal­y­sis soft­ware IFTA TrendView­er.

The IFTA sys­tem of­fers spe­cial­ized al­go­rithms (Cep­strum, etc.) that mon­i­tor the con­di­tion of the com­pres­sor in real time and pass it on to the con­trol sys­tem. All pro­cess­es run par­al­lel to the com­bus­tion mon­i­tor­ing on one hard­ware. The con­tin­u­ous long-term stor­age, in­clud­ing the high-res­o­lu­tion raw data, also en­ables the anal­y­sis of un­fore­seen or spo­radic events.

Rec­om­mend­ed Prod­ucts

Rotor Dy­nam­ics

Ap­pli­ca­tion so­lu­tion to mea­sure/an­a­lyze rotor-dy­nam­ic vi­bra­tions.


Pro­tec­tion sys­tem with di­ag­nos­tic and mon­i­tor­ing func­tion­al­i­ty.


Di­ag­nos­tic tool for high-speed anal­y­sis & in­tel­li­gent vi­su­al­iza­tion.


Fast & in­­­tu­it­ive on­­line/of­f­­line ana­lys­is soft­­ware for ef­­fi­­cient vi­su­al­iz­a­­tion.