An­a­lyz­ing and Mon­i­tor­ing Shaft Vi­bra­tions

As an add-on to IFTA TrendView­er and to our sys­tem so­lu­tions IFTA Dy­naMaster and IFTA Ar­gusOMDS, the IFTA rotor dy­nam­ics con­fig­u­ra­tion is the per­fect mon­i­tor­ing and di­ag­nos­tic tool for the pro­tec­tion and the vi­bra­tion di­ag­no­sis of ro­tat­ing ma­chin­ery, shaft trains and drive trains. It of­fers a com­pre­hen­sive pack­age of in­di­vid­u­al­iz­able and in­tu­itive soft­ware mod­ules with­in the award­ed anal­y­sis soft­ware IFTA TrendView­er. This al­lows to iden­ti­fy over­loads and ma­chine dam­age and to react at an early stage to en­sure a safe ma­chine op­er­a­tion.

Ad­van­tages of the rotor dy­nam­ic con­fig­u­ra­tion com­pared to con­ven­tion­al so­lu­tions

Our ex­clu­sive rotor dy­nam­ic con­fig­u­ra­tion of­fers sig­nif­i­cant ad­van­tages over the so­lu­tions avail­able on the mar­ket to date. In ad­di­tion to a flex­i­ble so­lu­tion, the in­crease of ef­fi­cien­cy and the qual­i­ty of the mea­sure­ments, the fol­low­ing ben­e­fits are of­fered:

  • Using user-de­fined con­di­tions and thresh­olds in both time and fre­quen­cy do­main, ap­pli­ca­tion-spe­cif­ic vi­bra­tions can be iden­ti­fied and an­a­lyzed. At the same time, the flex­i­bil­i­ty of the sys­tem is main­tained.
  • Con­fig­urable num­ber of tracked har­mon­ics.
  • Freely ad­justable lay­outs that make re­cur­rent eval­u­a­tions eas­i­er and sig­nif­i­cant­ly faster.
  • Of­fline cal­cu­la­tion of ad­di­tion­al pa­ram­e­ters.
  • Even though there is a con­sid­er­able amount of data to be stored con­tin­u­ous­ly, we offer a high per­for­mance anal­y­sis.
  • We also offer in­te­grat­ed data stor­age of vi­bra­tion data and op­er­at­ing data, e.g. via OPC, Profibus, Mod­bus, DataSock­et, etc.
  • Pro­cess­ing of very large data sets (> 10 GB)

User-de­fined con­di­tions and con­fig­u­ra­tion of data stor­age, such as the con­di­tion­al stor­age of start­up- and shut­down pro­ce­dures.

Rotor Dy­nam­ics
  • Mea­sure­ment
  • Anal­y­sis
  • Mon­i­tor­ing
  • Pro­tec­tion

Ex­ten­sive record­ing and anal­y­sis tools for ro­tat­ing ma­chines:

  • De­tect ro­ta­tion­al vi­bra­tions
  • Pro­tec­tion and vi­bra­tion di­ag­no­sis
  • Ex­ten­sive eval­u­a­tions with the IFTA TrendView­er. eval­u­a­tion soft­ware

Avail­able as soft­ware li­cense for IFTA Dy­naMaster for mea­sure­ment and anal­y­sis and for IFTA Ar­gusOMDS for pro­tec­tion and anal­y­sis.

Ac­tive Mon­i­tor­ing of Rotor Dy­nam­ics

Ro­tat­ing ma­chines are mon­i­tored in ac­cor­dance with var­i­ous stan­dards / re­quire­ments (such as DIN ISO 10816, ISO 7919, etc.) The ob­jec­tive of this mon­i­tor­ing is to en­sure the safe op­er­a­tion of equip­ment through the (early) de­tec­tion of dam­age to the ma­chine being mon­i­tored.

Based on and in ad­di­tion to these ma­chine pro­tec­tion pro­ce­dures, a great deal of ef­fort is ex­pend­ed on tech­ni­cal mea­sure­ment for ma­chin­ery di­ag­nos­tics. This be­gins with the place­ment of many sen­sors (shaft- and hous­ing vi­bra­tion sen­sors, ac­cel­er­a­tion sen­sors, sen­sors for the mea­sure­ment of stor­age tem­per­a­tures, ...) and ends with the use of spe­cial sys­tems for the vi­bra­tion-di­ag­nos­tic ex­am­i­na­tion of tur­bine gen­er­a­tors and ro­tors.

Through these pro­ce­dures, de­vi­a­tions from nor­mal op­er­at­ing be­hav­ior and fail­ure of or dam­age to com­po­nents can be de­tect­ed early, and pre­ven­tive main­te­nance mea­sures and gen­er­al main­te­nance are eas­i­er to plan.

The op­er­a­tional avail­abil­i­ty of the ma­chine is in­creased, and the fail­ure of cen­tral and im­por­tant op­er­at­ing com­po­nents can thus be avoid­ed. With the use of the right mea­sur­ing tech­nol­o­gy, com­plete shut­downs and pro­duc­tion loss­es can be avert­ed - es­pe­cial­ly in the en­er­gy- and process in­dus­tries.

Rotor Dy­nam­ics Phenom­e­na

  • Ex­ci­ta­tion caused by me­chan­i­cal­ly and ther­mal­ly in­duced im­bal­ances on ro­tat­ing parts
  • Ex­cite­ment caused by ro­tat­ing parts rub­bing on sta­tion­ary parts
  • Para­met­ric ex­ci­ta­tion caused by rotor sec­tions with dif­fer­ent flex­u­ral rigidi­ties
  • Mag­net­ic force ex­ci­ta­tion caused by de­fects and elec­tri­cal dam­age to gen­er­a­tors, or in­flu­ences from elec­tri­cal net­works
  • Ex­ci­ta­tion through cou­pling- and align­ment er­rors
  • Bear­ing in­sta­bil­i­ty, an os­cil­la­tion caused by the prop­er­ties of the oil film on the bear­ing
  • Vi­bra­tional ex­ci­ta­tion caused by shrink-fit fric­tion
  • Wave in­sta­bil­i­ty, a vi­bra­tion caused by aero­dy­nam­ic forces (ex­ci­ta­tion gap); caused by un­bal­anced cur­rents in parts of the flow pas­sage

Rotor Dy­nam­ics Anal­y­sis Soft­ware: IFTA TrendView­er

For Pow­er­ful Visu­al­iza­tions

With the help of IFTA Ar­gusOMDS and IFTA Dy­­naMas­ter sys­tems, it is pos­si­ble to an­a­lyze the ma­chine-dy­nam­ic per­for­mance of gas tur­bines, steam tur­bines, gen­er­a­tors or drive trains. The data-anal­y­sis soft­ware IFTA TrendView­er offer spe­cial­ized plots that vi­su­al­ize com­plex facts in a sim­ple man­ner to an­a­lyze rotor-dy­nam­ic phe­nom­e­na fast and ex­ten­sive­ly.

By com­bin­ing off­line and on­line data anal­y­sis in a sin­gle pro­gram, vi­bra­tion pa­ram­e­ters from the mon­i­tored ma­chine that are cur­rent­ly being mea­sured can be com­pared with avail­able and shared mea­sure­ment data. In ad­di­tion to the dy­nam­ic data of the rotor dy­nam­ics, slow­er process vari­ables can also be dis­played in the same plot.

The Bode plot is a pop­u­lar way to rep­re­sent trans­fer func­tions. The ex­am­ple on the left shows the fre­quen­cy re­sponse of a sim­ple Laval rotor. Read­ings of the am­pli­tude and phase (rel­a­tive to a speed sig­nal) of the first har­mon­ic eigen­mode can be taken as a func­tion of the fre­quen­cy (e.g. ro­ta­tion­al speed in [RPM]) of the rotor.

Be­cause the IFTA sys­tem syn­chronous­ly sam­ples and an­a­lyzes all dy­nam­ic chan­nels in real time, a trans­fer func­tion be­tween any sig­nals can be cal­cu­lat­ed and vi­su­al­ized "live".

The Nyquist plot shows the imag­i­nary part plot­ted against the real part of the first har­mon­ic mode of a shaft dis­place­ment sig­nal. The point color de­pends on the ma­chine state (here: black: slow roll, blue: run up, green: steady state, red: run down).

The shaft cen­ter­li­ne plot dis­­­plays the sta­­tio­­na­ry mo­ve­­ment of a com­pres­­sor shaft with re­spect to a sta­­tio­­na­ry bea­ring. The mean va­lues of two or­tho­­go­­nal dis­­­pla­ce­­ment sen­­sors are plot­t­ed against each other.


The orbit plot dis­plays the mo­men­tary ex­cur­sion of a ro­tork­it shaft. Two dis­place­ment sig­nals from or­thog­o­nal sen­sors are plot­ted against each other.

The Cam­p­­bell plot dis­­­plays the spec­trum of a shaft dis­­­place­­ment sen­sor de­pend­ent on a speed sig­­nal in a user se­lec­t­ed time range. The x-axis dis­­­plays the speed, the y-axis the fre­quen­cy and the color bar the mag­ni­tude of the spec­trum.

Rec­om­mend­ed Prod­ucts


Pro­tec­tion sys­tem with di­ag­nos­tic and mon­i­tor­ing func­tion­al­i­ty.


Di­ag­nos­tic tool for high-speed anal­y­sis & in­tel­li­gent vi­su­al­iza­tion.


Fast & in­­­tu­it­ive on­­line/of­f­­line ana­lys­is soft­­ware for ef­­fi­­cient vi­su­al­iz­a­­tion.