De­tect Com­bus­tion Dy­nam­ics in Burn­ers

Op­ti­miza­tion of Com­bus­tion Cham­bers

Com­bus­tion cham­bers are re­ac­tion cham­bers in which a fuel un­der­goes an exother­mic re­ac­tion (com­bus­tion). Com­bus­tion cham­bers are used in many ap­pli­ca­tions, such as gas tur­bines, rock­et en­gines and in­dus­tri­al and heat­ing plants. There­fore, the test­ing of com­bus­tion cham­ber pro­to­types against ther­mal and me­chan­i­cal loads is of great im­por­tance, es­pe­cial­ly with re­gard to in­creas­ing ef­fi­cien­cy. The cor­rect pa­ram­e­ter­i­za­tion of the com­bus­tion cham­ber and the cor­rect mix­ing ratio of the fuels is the main focus of the test pro­ce­dures.

Com­bus­tion Dy­nam­ics

Chal­lenges in Burn­ers

The pri­ma­ry goal of burn­er test­ing is to iden­ti­fy and elim­i­nate weak­ness­es with­in the sys­tem. Above all, it is im­por­tant to pre­vent ther­moa­cous­tic res­o­nances or com­bus­tion dy­nam­ics by suit­able pa­ram­e­ter­i­za­tion of the com­bus­tion cham­ber. These pres­sure os­cil­la­tions, known as com­bus­tion dy­nam­ics, com­bus­tion os­cil­la­tions or ther­mo­ca­cous­tic os­cil­la­tions are often per­ceived as vi­bra­tions or dis­turb­ing nois­es. In se­vere cases, the com­po­nents are se­vere­ly dam­aged with­in a few sec­onds.

Mea­sure­ment and Anal­y­sis Tech­nol­o­gy for In­sight-Based Op­ti­miza­tion

Our so­lu­tion for burn­er test­ing

In order to meet the high re­quire­ments, it is nec­es­sary to in­stall a mea­sure­ment and anal­y­sis sys­tem that can com­plete­ly iden­ti­fy and an­a­lyze the dif­fer­ent types of vi­bra­tions in a burn­er test bench. The IFTA Dy­naMaster in com­bi­na­tion with the anal­y­sis soft­ware IFTA TrendView­er pro­vides a so­lu­tion that can be per­fect­ly adapt­ed to any test bench. On the basis of the in­for­ma­tion ob­tained, valu­able con­clu­sions can be drawn about the cor­rect pa­ram­e­ter­i­za­tion of the com­bus­tion cham­ber.

Rec­om­mend­ed Prod­ucts

Rotor Dy­nam­ics

Ap­pli­ca­tion so­lu­tion to mea­sure/an­a­lyze rotor-dy­nam­ic vi­bra­tions.


Pro­tec­tion sys­tem with di­ag­nos­tic and mon­i­tor­ing func­tion­al­i­ty.


Di­ag­nos­tic tool for high-speed anal­y­sis & in­tel­li­gent vi­su­al­iza­tion.


Fast & in­­­tu­it­ive on­­line/of­f­­line ana­lys­is soft­­ware for ef­­fi­­cient vi­su­al­iz­a­­tion.