Application solution to measure/analyze rotor-dynamic vibrations.
Long-term Measurement and Storage of Vibrations

Vibrations in continuous operation
The safety of machines that are continuously in operation, such as gas-fired power plants, is of the utmost importance to the operators. In order to guarantee the necessary safety, a monitoring and protection system for vibration analysis and monitoring is essential. Especially when vibrations occur sporadically, long-term measurements can be quite informative. However, during operation over a long period of time, a large amount of data is generated, which leads to the following conflict.
Performance versus Precision
The potential conflict with long-term vibration data
On the one hand, due to the clarity, all data of the vibration behavior over the entire period should be quickly analyzable in order to ensure a high reactivity of the system. On the other hand, the data set must be available in a high resolution in order to understand the correlations of the vibration behavior. The underlying conflict is therefore to find the right compromise between data quantity and accuracy when measuring vibration over a long period of time.

High Performance and Precision Technology
Our solution for Long-term measurement and storage
A monitoring system with a large storage capacity in conjunction with an analysis software with which large amounts of data can be analyzed quickly.
The IFTA systems in combination with the analysis software IFTA TrendViewer enable a very simple handling of large amounts of data, as they are generated for example in long-term tests of components. The actual contradiction between large amounts of data (computing effort) and fast analysis is solved in a very elegant way. Depending on the purpose of the analysis, the data can be viewed in different modes. In order to cover the entire period of time, it is sufficient to display the data with a lower resolution, whereby if required, it is possible to zoom to certain points with the highest resolution. Thus, very large amounts of data for long-term vibration analysis can be processed uncompromisingly.
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