Efficient Vibration Measurement
Measurement, analysis, monitoring, protection
All IFTA vibration measurement systems offer a modular software and hardware design. The preconfigured systems can be customized for your application. These systems are designed to analyze highly complex vibration patterns in order to obtain valuable information for further cost reductions in plant and machine management. Throughout the world, IFTA systems are used in combustion plants and rotating systems (e.g. turbines and engines).
Comparison of Systems
- Diagnosis/monitoring/protection system (shutdown of machines, e.g. if vibration amplitudes are too high)
- Recording of vibration & operational data
- Field of application: stationary gas turbines, test benches (e.g. brake test bench), compressors
- Same specifications as ArgusOMDS, only without system/machine protection
- Primarily used for pure diagnostics (no active reaction required) in mobile or stationary applications (maintenance personnel, external service providers; as analysis tool for the automatization of e.g. production plants)
- Same specifications as ArgusOMDS with protective function, only without data recording and diagnostics
- Field of application: Cost-effective protective function, e.g. for small gas turbines
- Retrofitting flexibility: Both for short-term analysis and data storage as well as for long-term use
- Measurement + data storage + active protection (automatic intervention in system processes, independent of existing system control) e.g. via special additional high-speed actuators
- Active damping of self-excited combustion dynamics (humming, pulsations)
Which System is Most Suitable for my Application?
All IFTA system solutions are designed to build on each other, so that they can be expanded and upgraded at a later date. The choice of system components or hardware and software combinations depends on your application and requirements, e.g:
- Duration of data recording: Should short or long-term periods over years 24/7 be recorded?
- Mobility of measuring equipment: Should the measurement system be stationary or mobile?
- Frequency and complexity of the vibration measurement (sensors: number, types).
- Your objective: Should signals be collected, recorded or evaluated? Are additional signal outputs required for protective function?