Input module with 4 synchronous analog inputs with FleXense technology.
Mobile Vibration Measurement

For mobile applications with flexible range of application
Mobile measurements, often also referred to as field measurements, play an important role in vibration measurement technology alongside stationary measurements. In addition to investigations of problems, testing under real or worst case conditions is an important part of the development process. In mobile measurements, the physical measured variables pressure, acceleration, strain and temperatures are measured - usually with changing sensor equipment and parameterization of the analysis depending on the application.
Triggered Data Storage
Challenges in mobile Measurements
The analysis and understanding of sporadic effects is of great important. The real challenge is the so-called triggered storage. It implies a storage of all essential data if a certain threshold value is exceeded. If this threshold value is not known, however, this leads to a complex problem. If this threshold value is too high, the amount of data is too small. If, on the other hand, it is too low, too little data is written. In both cases this complicates the analysis or makes it impossible.

High Resolution and Efficient Technology
Our mobile solution
The compact mobile IFTA systems with the flexible AD4Pro input module, with integrated amplifier and galvanic isolation, enable simple and fast field measurement and prevent sources of error. Due to the continuous long-term storage including the high-resolution raw data of IFTA systems, measurements over longer periods (weeks & months) are possible. This means that even sporadically occurring events that do not occur in the same way as the
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