DataHub 1.4 Re­lease: Sim­pli­fied Setup and Event-trig­gered Record­ing

The cen­ter for dy­nam­ic data - IFTA DataHub

Cur­rent sig­nal val­ues and sig­nal his­to­ry are dis­played di­rect­ly in the brows­er

New ver­sion of the IFTA DataHub Soft­ware: Sim­pli­fied Setup and Event-trig­gered Record­ing

In the IFTA DataHub soft­ware data from dif­fer­ent sources are brought to­geth­er for com­bined anal­y­sis, stor­age and on­line dis­tri­bu­tion in the net­work for vi­su­al­iza­tion. Now IFTA in­tro­duces the Up­date 1.4 with the fol­low­ing en­hance­ments:

Im­proved User Input Sig­nals:

  • Direct ac­cess: User input el­e­ments are on the over­view page now
  • A new trig­ger im­pulse sig­nal sim­pli­fies the trig­ger­ing of event-trig­gered record­ing

  • Units can be con­fig­ured

flex­i­ble data input/out­put in­ter­face:

  • New On­line pro­to­col 2.0 based on gRPC

Sim­pli­fied setup and con­fig­u­ra­tion:

  • When se­lect­ing a sig­nal in the Data Flow tree its cur­rent value and his­to­ry are di­rect­ly dis­played in the brows­er

  • Trace­able and ad­justable mea­sure­ments: The Sig­nalMin­er con­fig­u­ra­tion is in­clud­ed in the On­line as well as ADF data

  • The project name can be cus­tom­ized di­rect­ly in the DataHub UI

More in­for­ma­tion about the data cen­ter IFTA DataHub