Award for IFTA DataHub - Long-Term Anal­y­sis of Dy­nam­ic Mea­sure­ment and Oper­at­ing Data

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Pre­sen­ta­tion of the messtec + sen­sor mas­ters Award at the con­fer­ence: 1st Place for the IFTA DataHub

The new DataHub soft­ware col­lects data from a wide range of sources and en­ables com­bined anal­y­sis. For ex­am­ple, dy­nam­ic mea­sure­ment data of more than 100 GB/day from IFTA mea­sure­ment sys­tems can be an­a­lyzed to­geth­er with op­er­at­ing data. This data is stored 24/7 in ring buf­fers. The search for rel­e­vant events in these large amounts of data cor­re­sponds to the lit­er­al search for the "nee­dle in a haystack". Here, the DataHub sup­ports the user by cre­at­ing small, easy to han­dle over­view files that allow a quick check and find­ing anom­alies. In ad­di­tion, the pro­vid­ed on­line con­nec­tion al­lows real-time in­spec­tion of all data streams and data stream­ing into the cloud.

In ad­di­tion to the ag­gre­ga­tion and stor­age of mea­sure­ment and op­er­a­tional data with dif­fer­ent time res­o­lu­tions, the IFTA DataHub also of­fers unique stor­age func­tion­al­i­ties. For ex­am­ple, data is in­tel­li­gent­ly ag­gre­gat­ed even be­fore it is stored, thus sig­nif­i­cant­ly re­duc­ing the re­quired stor­age space. This en­ables 24/7 long-term record­ing and eval­u­a­tion of dy­nam­ic mea­sure­ment data. This func­tion­al­i­ty is a truly unique sell­ing point of the IFTA DataHub.

On March 23, 2020 the IFTA DataHub was award­ed 1st place of the messtec + sen­sor mas­ters Award. The face-to-face pre­sen­ta­tion of this award took place at the messtec + sen­sor mas­ters 2020 on Septem­ber 22, 2020 in Stuttgart, Ger­many.


 Read more about the IFTA DataHub