In-house Ent­wick­lung, For­schung und Ko­ope­ra­tio­nen

Das IFTA Pro­dukt­port­fo­lio be­ruht auf mehr als zwei Jahr­zehn­ten Er­fah­rung und einer kon­ti­nu­ier­li­chen Wei­ter­ent­wick­lung durch mo­der­ne For­schung.

IFTA ver­fügt über eine ei­ge­ne R&D-Ab­tei­lung. Ein Haupt­ziel der For­schun­gen ist der Ge­winn neuer Er­kennt­nis­se über die Ur­sa­chen von Schwin­gun­gen und deren Ver­mei­dung. In­no­va­ti­ve Lö­sungs­we­ge wer­den mit­tels un­se­rer Ent­wick­lun­gen va­li­diert. Un­se­re For­schung ist die Trieb­fe­der für Pro­duk­te, die eine hohe Wirt­schaft­lich­keit und Qua­li­tät er­fül­len.

Die IFTA GmbH wurde im Rah­men eines For­schungs­pro­jek­tes ge­grün­det und auch heute noch spie­len For­schungs­ko­ope­ra­tio­nen eine große Rolle im Un­ter­neh­men. Die Zu­sam­men­ar­beit mit nam­haf­ten Uni­ver­si­tä­ten im Rah­men von na­tio­na­len und EU-For­schungs­ko­ope­ra­tio­nen ist dabei ein un­ver­zicht­ba­rer Be­stand­teil un­se­rer In­no­va­ti­ons­stär­ke.


Wir for­schen ge­mein­sam mit:

Un­se­re Ver­öf­fent­li­chun­gen

Karls­tet­ter, R.; Rou­wen­horst, D.; Wid­hopf-Fenk, R.; Her­mann J.; Raoofy, A.; Tri­ni­tis, C.; Schulz, M.:
Tur­ning Dy­na­mic Sen­sor Mea­sur­meent from Gas Tur­bi­ne Info In­sights: A Big Data ApproachPro­cee­dings of ASME 2019 Turbo Expo: Tur­bo­ma­chi­ne­ry Tech­ni­cal Con­fe­rence & Ex­po­si­ti­on (GT2019-912591), ASME, 2019.


Rou­wen­horst, D.; Wid­hopf-Fenk, R.; Her­mann J.; Ha­rin­ger, M; Be­cker J.; Ger­hard, J.; Nie­der­mei­er, J.:

Part-Load Limit Re­duc­ti­on of a Frame 9E Using a Pre­cur­sor for Com­bus­ti­on Dy­na­mics. ASME. Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air, Vo­lu­me 4A: Com­bus­ti­on, Fuels, and Emis­si­ons ():V04AT04A028, 2018.

Rou­wen­horst, D.; Her­mann, J.; Po­lif­ke, W.:

In situ iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on stra­t­egy of ther­moa­cou­stic sta­bi­li­ty in an­nu­lar com­bu­stors. In­ter­na­tio­nal Jour­nal of Spray and Com­bus­ti­on Dy­na­mics, pp. 351–361, 2018.

Rou­wen­horst, D.; Her­mann, J.; Po­lif­ke, W.:

On­li­ne Mo­ni­to­ring of Ther­moa­cou­stic Ei­gen­mo­des in An­nu­lar Com­bus­ti­on Sys­tems Based on a State-Space Model. Jour­nal of En­gi­nee­ring for Gas Tur­bi­nes and Power 139 (2), 2017.

Rou­wen­horst, D.; Her­mann, J.; Po­lif­ke, W.:

Bi­fur­ca­ti­on study of azi­mu­thal bulk flow in an­nu­lar com­bus­ti­on sys­tems with cy­lin­dri­cal sym­me­try brea­king. In­ter­na­tio­nal Jour­nal of Spray and Com­bus­ti­on Dy­na­mics 9 (4), pp., 438-451, 2017.

Mül­ler, R.A.J.; Her­mann, J.; Po­lif­ke, W.:

Di­rect Drive Valve Model for Use as an Acou­stic Sour­ce in a Net­work Model. In­ter­na­tio­nal Jour­nal of Acou­stics and Vi­bra­ti­on 21 (4), pp.  406-417, 2016.

Mül­ler, R. A., Her­mann, J., & Po­lif­ke, W.:

Con­trol au­t­ho­ri­ty over a com­bus­ti­on in­sta­bi­li­ty in­ves­ti­ga­ted in CFD. In­ter­na­tio­nal Jour­nal of Spray and Com­bus­ti­on Dy­na­mics. pp.39–52, 2016.

Rou­wen­horst, D.; Her­mann, J.; Po­lif­ke, W.:

On­li­ne mo­ni­to­ring of ther­moa­cou­stic ei­gen­mo­des in an­nu­lar com­bus­ti­on sys­tems based on a state space model. Pro­cee­dings of ASME 2016 Turbo Expo: Tur­bo­ma­chi­ne­ry Tech­ni­cal Con­fe­rence & Ex­po­si­ti­on (GT2016-56671), ASME, 2016.

Mül­ler, R.A.J.:

Con­trol Aut­ho­ri­ty for Ac­ti­ve Dam­ping of Com­bus­ti­on In­sta­bi­li­ties. Mün­chen, Tech­ni­sche Uni­ver­si­tät Mün­chen, Diss, 2015.

Rou­wen­horst, D.; Her­mann, J.; Mül­ler, R.; Po­lif­ke, W.:

On the Per­for­man­ce of Sta­bi­li­ty Mar­gin Mea­su­res for Ther­moa­cou­stic In­sta­bi­li­ties in Tur­bu­lent Com­bus­ti­on Sys­tems. 21st In­ter­na­tio­nal Con­gress on Sound and Vi­bra­ti­on (ICSV21), 2014.

Kosz­tin, B.; Heckl, M.; Mül­ler, R.; Her­mann, J.:

Ther­mo-Acou­stic Pro­per­ties of a Bur­ner with Axial Tem­pe­ra­ture Gra­di­ent: Theo­ry and Ex­pe­ri­ment. In­ter­na­tio­nal Jour­nal of Spray and Com­bus­ti­on Dy­na­mics, pp. 67–84, 2013.

Mül­ler, R. A. J.; Temm­ler, C.; Wid­hopf-Fenk, R.; Her­mann, J.; Po­lif­ke, W.; Stop­ford, P.:

CFD-Based Fea­si­bi­li­ty Study of Ac­ti­ve Con­trol on a Com­bus­ti­on In­sta­bi­li­ty. 20th In­ter­na­tio­nal Con­gress on Sound and Vi­bra­ti­on (ICSV20), 2013.

Hil­ler, S.; Her­mann, J.; Wid­hopf-Fenk R.:

High Pres­su­re Com­pres­sor Sta­bi­li­za­ti­on by Con­trol­led Pul­sed In­jec­ti­on. ASME. Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air, Vo­lu­me 8: Tur­bo­ma­chi­ne­ry, Parts A, B, and C ():pp. 117-124, 2012.

Mül­ler, R. A. J.; Her­mann, J.; Po­lif­ke, W.:

Di­rect drive valve model for use as an acou­stic sour­ce in a net­work model. Int'l J. Acou­stics & Vi­bra­ti­on 3, pp.  2450-2457, 2012.

Mül­ler, R. A. J.; Her­mann, J.; Po­lif­ke, W.:

Sta­bi­li­ty li­mits and non-li­ne­ar cha­rac­te­ri­stics of a self-ex­ci­ted com­bus­ti­on in­sta­bi­li­ty. 19th In­ter­na­tio­nal Con­gress on Sound and Vi­bra­ti­on (ICSV19), 2012.

Mül­ler, R. A. J.; Her­mann, J.; Po­lif­ke, W.:

Com­pa­ri­son of ac­tua­ting op­ti­ons for ac­ti­ve dam­ping of com­bus­ti­on in­sta­bi­li­ties. ISMA2012 Noise and Vi­bra­ti­on En­gi­nee­ring Con­fe­rence, Ja­nu­a­ry 2012.

Kosz­tin, B.; Heckl, M.; Mül­ler, R. A. J.; Her­mann, J.:

In­sta­bi­li­ties in a model gas tur­bi­ne com­bu­stor with dif­fe­rent mean-tem­pe­ra­ture pro­fi­les. 18th In­ter­na­tio­nal Con­gress on Sound and Vi­bra­ti­on, Rio de Ja­nei­ro, Bra­zil, July 2011.

Kosz­tin, B.; Heckl, M.; Mül­ler, R. A. J.; Her­mann, J.:
In­sta­bi­li­ties in a model gas tur­bi­ne com­bu­stor: Theo­ry and ex­pe­ri­ment. ICSV17, 17th In­ter­na­tio­nal Con­gress on Sound and Vi­bra­ti­on, Cairo, Egypt, 18 - 22 July 2010.

Her­mann, J.; Hoff­mann, S.:

Im­ple­men­ta­ti­on of Ac­ti­ve Con­trol in a Full-Scale Gas-Tur­bi­ne Com­bu­stor. Chap­ter in the book "Com­bus­ti­on In­sta­bi­li­ties in Gas Tur­bi­ne En­gi­nes: Ope­ra­tio­nal Ex­pe­ri­ence, Fun­da­men­tal Mecha­nisms, and Mo­de­ling" of Tim Lieu­wen and Vigor Yang, Vol. 210, Pro­gress in Astro­nau­tics and Ae­ro­nau­tics Se­ries, 210,Pub­lis­hed by AIAA, 2006.

Scheid­ler, S.; Mundt, C.; Met­ten­lei­ter, M.; Her­mann, J.; Hil­ler, S.-J.:

Ac­ti­ve sta­bi­li­ty con­trol of the com­pres­si­on sys­tem in a twin-spool tur­bo­fan en­gi­ne by air in­jec­ti­on. Pre­sen­ted at the 10th in­ter­na­tio­nal Sym­po­si­um on trans­port phe­no­me­na and dy­na­mics of ro­ta­ting ma­chi­ne­ry, ISROMAC, Ho­no­lu­lu, Ha­waii, March 07-11, 2004 (Paper ID num­ber 073).

Lein­hos, D.C.; Scheid­ler, S.; Fott­ner, L.;Grau­er, F.; Her­mann, J.; Met­ten­lei­ter, M.; Orth­mann, A.:
Ex­pe­ri­ments in ac­ti­ve stall con­trol of a twin-spool tur­bo­fan en­gi­ne. Pre­sen­ted at the ASME TURBO Expo, Ams­ter­dam, 3-6 June, 2002, GT 2002-2003

Her­mann, J.; Orth­mann, A.:
Com­bus­ti­on Dy­na­mics: App­li­ca­ti­on of Ac­ti­ve In­sta­bi­li­ty Con­trol to Heavy Duty Gas Tur­bi­nes. Paper pre­sen­ted at the RTO AVT Cour­se on “Ac­ti­ve Con­trol of En­gi­ne Dy­na­mics” pu­blis­hed in RTO-EN-020 and held in Brus­sels, Bel­gi­um, May 14-18, 2001.

Her­mann, J.; Orth­mann, A.; Hoff­mann, S.; Be­ren­brink, P.:

Ac­ti­ve and Pas­si­ve Con­trol of Com­bus­ti­on Os­cil­la­ti­ons in a 260 MW Heavy-Duty Gas Tur­bi­ne.
Paper pre­sen­ted at the EUROTHERM Se­mi­nar No 67, ECOS 2000 Pro­cee­dings, held in En­sche­de, Nether­lands, July 2000.

Her­mann, J.; Orth­mann, A.; Hoff­mann, S.; Be­ren­brink, P.:

Com­bi­na­ti­on of Ac­ti­ve In­sta­bi­li­ty Con­trol and Pas­si­ve Mea­su­res to Pre­vent Com­bus­ti­on In­sta­bi­li­ties in a 260MW Heavy Duty Gas Tur­bi­ne. Paper pre­sen­ted at the RTO AVT Sym­po­si­um on "Ac­ti­ve Con­trol Tech­no­lo­gy for En­han­ced Per­for­man­ce Ope­ra­tio­nal Ca­pa­bi­li­ties of Mi­li­ta­ry Air­craft, Land Ve­hic­les and Sea Ve­hic­les", held in Braun­schweig, Ger­ma­ny, May 8-11, 2000.

Her­mann, J.; Orth­mann, A. and Hoff­mann, S.:

App­li­ca­ti­on of Ac­ti­ve Com­bus­ti­on Con­trol to a Heavy Duty Gas Tur­bi­nes. 14th Int. Symp. on Air­brea­thing En­gi­nes, 5-10 Sep 1999, Flo­rence, Italy.

Her­mann, J.; Orth­mann, A. and Hoff­mann, S.:

Ac­ti­ve Ista­bil­ty Con­trol of Com­bus­ti­on in Heavy Duty Gas Tur­bi­nes. Sixth Int. Con­gress on Sound and Vi­bra­ti­on, 5-8 July 1999, Co­pen­ha­gen, Den­mark.

Hoff­mann, S.; Weber, G.; Ju­dith, H.; Her­mann, J.; Orth­mann, A.:
App­li­ca­ti­on of Ac­ti­ve Flame In­sta­bi­li­ty Con­trol for Heavy Duty Gas Tur­bi­nes. Pro­cee­dings of the Po­werGen Eu­ro­pe Con­fe­rence, Frank­furt, 1999.

Hoff­mann, S.; Weber, G.; Ju­dith, H.; Her­mann, J.; Orth­mann, A.:
App­li­ca­ti­on of Ac­ti­ve Com­bus­ti­on Con­trol to Sie­mens Heavy Duty Gas Tur­bi­nes. Pre­sen­ted at the Sym­po­si­um of the AVT Panel on Gas Tur­bi­ne En­gi­ne Com­bus­ti­on, Emis­si­ons and Al­ter­na­ti­ve Fuels, Lis­bon, 12-16 Oc­to­ber, 1998.

Seume, J. R.; Vort­mey­er, N.; Krau­se, W.; Her­mann, J.; Hantschk, C.-C.; Zangl, P.; Gleis, S.; Vort­mey­er, D.; Orth­mann, A.:

App­li­ca­ti­on of Ac­ti­ve Com­bus­ti­on In­sta­bi­li­ty Con­trol to a Heavy Gas Tur­bi­ne. ASME Asia 97 Con­gress and Ex­hi­bi­ti­on, Sin­ga­pur, 30. Sep­tem­ber – 2. Ok­to­ber 1997. ASME-Paper 97-AA-119; auch ver­öf­fent­licht im ASME Jour­nal for Gas Tur­bi­nes and Power, Vol. 120, No. 4, Oc­to­ber 1998, pp. 721-726

Ca­sen­ti­ni, F.; Her­mann, J.; Vort­mey­er, D.; Gleis, S.:
NO- and CO-Re­duc­ti­on by Pul­sa­ting the Air Flow on a Swirl Spray Bur­ner. Acts of the Fourth In­ter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­rence on Tech­no­lo­gies and Com­bus­ti­on for a Clean En­vi­ron­ment, Lis­bon 7-10 July 1997, Vol. II, Ses­si­on 23.3, pp. 17-25.

Her­mann, J.; Hantschk, C.; Zangl, P.; Gleis, S.; Vort­mey­er, D.; Seume, J.; Vort­mey­er, N.; Krau­se, W.; Orth­mann, A.:
Ak­ti­ve In­sta­bi­li­täts­kon­trol­le an einer 170 MW Ga­stur­bi­ne. 18. Deut­sche-Nie­der­län­di­scher Flam­men­tag, Delft/NL, 28.-29. Au­gust 97, VDI-Be­richt No. 1313, S. 337-344.

De­la­broy, O.; Lacas, F.; Poin­sot, T.; Can­del, D.; Hoff­mann, T.; Her­mann, J.; Gleis, S.; Vort­mey­er, D.:
A Study of NOx Re­duc­ti­on by Acou­stic Exi­ci­ta­ti­on in a Li­quid Fue­led Bur­ner. Com­bust. Sci. and Tech., Vol. 119, pp. 397-408, 1996.

Hantschk, C.; Her­mann, J.; Vort­mey­er, D.:
Ac­ti­ve In­sta­bi­li­ty Con­trol with Di­rect Drive Servo Val­ves in Li­quid-Fuel­led Com­bus­ti­on Sys­tems. 26th Int. Sym­po­si­um on Com­bus­ti­on, Nap­les, pp. 2835-2841, 1996.

Her­mann, J.:
An­re­gungs­me­cha­nis­men und ak­ti­ve Dämp­fung (AIC) selbs­t­er­reg­ter Ver­bren­nungs­schwin­gun­gen in Flüs­sig­kraft­stoff­sys­te­men. 1996

Her­mann, J.; Gleis, S.; Vort­mey­er, D.:
Ac­ti­ve In­sta­bi­li­ty Con­trol (AIC) of Spray Com­bu­stors by Mo­du­la­ti­on of the Li­quid Fuel Flow Rate.
Com­bust. Sci. and Tech., Vol. 118, pp. 1-25, 1996.

Zangl, P.; Her­mann, J.; Orth­mann, A.; Vort­mey­er, D.:

Mea­su­re­ment of the Pe­ri­odic Flow In­sta­bi­li­ty Du­ring a Self Ex­ci­ted Com­bus­ti­on Os­cil­la­ti­on by LDV. Eight In­ter­na­tio­nal Sym­po­si­um on App­li­ca­ti­ons of Laser Tech­ni­ques to Fluid Mecha­nics, July 8-11, Lis­bon, pp. 39.2.1-39.2.8, 1996.

Her­mann, J.; Zangl, P.; Gleis, S.; Vort­mey­er, D.:

Un­ter­su­chung der An­re­gungs­me­cha­nis­men selbs­t­er­reg­ter Ver­bren­nungs­schwin­gun­gen an einem Ver­bren­nungs­sys­tem für Flüs­sig­kraft­stoff. 17. Deut­scher Flam­men­tag, Ham­burg-Har­burg, VDI-Be­richt Nr. 1193, S. 251-260, 1995.

Her­mann, J.; Gleis, S.; Vort­mey­er, D.:
Ak­ti­ve Dämp­fung selbs­t­er­reg­ter Brenn­kam­mer­schwin­gun­gen (AIC) bei Druck­zer­stäu­ber­bren­nern durch Mo­du­la­ti­on der flüs­si­gen Brenn­stoff­zu­fuhr. 16. Deut­scher Flam­men­tag, Claus­thal-Zel­ler­feld, VDI-Be­richt Nr. 1090, S. 615-624, 1993.