TrendView­er 5.4 Re­lease: New Rotor Dy­nam­ic Fea­tures and Easi­er Use

An­a­lyze big data - gain valu­able in­for­ma­tion - IFTA TrendView­er

Top left: Orbit plot with raw data and 2 ro­ta­tions, top right: Orbit plot with su­per­im­posed har­mon­ics, in all 4 plots trig­ger events are dis­played as points

The new ver­sion of the anal­y­sis and eval­u­a­tion soft­ware: TrendView­er 5.4 High­lights

The proven data ana­lys­is soft­ware IFTA TrendView­er for the ef­fi­cient anal­y­sis of big vi­bra­tion mea­sure­ment data gath­ered from ma­chines and plants, is re­leased in the new ver­sion 5.4. Here is a brief over­view about the high­lights of the new ver­sion:

NEW Ro­torDy­nam­ics Fea­tures:

  • Dis­play of dif­fer­ent har­mon­ics of the ro­ta­tion­al speed with su­per­po­si­tion in the Orbit plot

  • Bet­ter over­view: Trig­ger events are plot­ted di­rect­ly in the Orbit and Trend plot

  • No need to re­peat the time range when chang­ing the ro­ta­tion fre­quen­cy: In­stead of defin­ing a fixed time range, the data range can now be plot­ted based on the num­ber of trig­ger events (e.g. ro­ta­tions)

  • Con­sis­tent ma­chine co­or­di­nate sys­tem for Orbit, Shaft Cen­ter­line and Polar plots

  • ShaftTwist Cal­cu­la­tion for cal­cu­lat­ing the tor­sion­al angle of a shaft be­tween two trig­ger sen­sors

Sim­pli­fied han­dling:

  • Im­proved di­a­logue for color se­lec­tion of sig­nals, grid­lines and fre­quen­cy bands as well as their limit value alarms
  • Trace­able and ad­justable mea­sure­ments: Sig­nalMin­er con­fig­u­ra­tion can be ex­tract­ed from ADF and on­line data

 Per­for­mance im­prove­ments:

  • Im­proved mem­o­ry con­sump­tion and speed of ADF file load­ing

Thus, TrendView­er's fa­mil­iar in­tu­itive op­er­a­tion has been im­proved fur­ther.