Re­mote ser­vice en­sures pro­duc­tiv­i­ty even from the home of­fice

Re­mote mon­i­tor­ing and di­ag­no­sis of ma­chine data proves to be of ad­van­tage in times of COVID-19.

In times of cri­sis, one is forced to re­duce one­self to the es­sen­tials and some­times to take new paths - but this can also open up un­ex­pect­ed op­por­tu­ni­ties. This works all the bet­ter the less cat­a­stroph­ic the cri­sis can be for you: are you just about to ex­tin­guish fires - and thus react - or do you have room to be proac­tive?

We from IFTA GmbH sup­port you in fur­ther cre­at­ing these spa­ces for your­self and thus being able to plan your fu­ture pro­duc­tive­ly. The fact that IFTA sys­tems have been de­signed for re­mote work­ing and main­te­nance for years now proves more than ever to be ben­e­fi­cial in times of COVID-19: Our sys­tems can be ad­min­is­tered quick­ly, virus-proof and eas­i­ly by re­mote ac­cess, and mon­i­tor­ing and di­ag­no­sis of ma­chine.  


Utilise free ca­pac­i­ties: Why it is worth in­vest­ing in an IFTA sys­tem now

Use the cur­rent­ly avail­able time pro­duc­tive­ly and think about the fu­ture now. For your in­spi­ra­tion here are three unique sell­ing points of our sys­tems:

  •   Never miss an event with our con­tin­u­ous 24/7 data ac­qui­si­tion and stor­age.
  •   Our mod­u­lar sys­tems can be eas­i­ly adapt­ed to chang­ing re­quire­ments.
  •   The flex­i­bly as­sign­a­ble sig­nal in­puts en­able a lean mea­sure­ment chain and thus avoid er­rors.

Fur­ther in­for­ma­tion about IFTA mea­sure­ment and anal­y­sis sys­tems