Power P - Let us man­age the en­er­gy trans­for­ma­tion to­geth­er

Vi­bra­tion mea­sure­ment with Argus eyes (l.t.r.): Nor­bert Seidl, Dr. Robert Wid­hopf-Fenk and Dr. Jakob Her­mann with the Ar­gusOMDS (for Os­cil­la­tion Mon­i­tor­ing Di­ag­nos­tic Sys­tem)

Busi­ness re­cep­tion of the city of Puch­heim - "Power P - Let us man­age the en­er­gy trans­for­ma­tion to­geth­er".

On May 11, 2023 first City Mayor Nor­bert Seidl in­vit­ed rep­re­sen­ta­tives of Puch­heim's econ­o­my and pol­i­tics to this year's busi­ness re­cep­tion "Power P – Let us man­age the en­er­gy turn­around to­geth­er“.  For the first time, the an­nu­al event took place in the IFTA build­ing.

Suitable to the topic of en­er­gy, IFTA's ef­fi­cient en­er­gy build­ing con­cept was pre­sent­ed among other things. More­over, Nor­bert Seidl mod­er­at­ed a panel dis­cus­sion with Miri­am Schick­aned­er, Head of Oper­a­tions at Kom­mEn­ergie GmbH, An­dreas Weigand, Manag­ing Direc­tor of "KLIMA³ Die En­ergieagen­tur" and host Dr. Her­mann.


Read the full press re­port of the city of Puch­heim now